Angel Ulloa

Visual ArtistIllustratorNaturalistDreamer

Born in Maracay, Venezuela, I draw inspiration from the beauty of the natural world, capturing its essence in a way that I hope captivates and inspires others.

TWASI Annual Exhibition 2006: Best International Artist

TWASI 14th ANNUAL EXHIBITION 2006: ".....A total of 156 works were hung and the overall quality was very high, the standard being remarked on by many viewers. International pieces were on show from France and USA, however the art from Venezuela made by far the greatest impression, not only the pictures, but, the artist himself. Angel Ulloa charmed all who met him, in addition, his work was stunning and he deservedly won the ‘Best Overseas Artist’ title....."

"The adventure of daydreams became a reality over time, and the search has been and continues to be a journey that has not stopped in the passage of time. Discovering that the freedom to choose what one wants to do with their dreams is absolute freedom, despite any obstacles. Birds, feathers, flight, the magic of life, and the experiences that I made my own, are what I carry with me as I pursue my passion, mixing them with brushes, colors, and mediums."
- Angel Ulloa

A Little About Me

Angel Ulloa is a Venezuelan visual artist born in the city of Maracay, Aragua state, who has dedicated his life to wildlife art and scientific illustration. His passion for naturalist painting dates back to his childhood, thanks to the influence of his father (a zooecologist) and his colleagues, who recognized and encouraged his talent by including him as an apprentice illustrator on expeditions. Angel's work has been exhibited in national and international galleries and acquired by various private and institutional collectors. He has also participated as an illustrator in various projects for national and international zoological and scientific institutions.

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